Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of.

  • Executive Coaching

    Coaching Startups and Scale Up CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, COO's, VP's of Engineering, & CISO's

  • RRC Cubby

    Manufacturing Classic Automotive Parts. Utilizes made in USA supply chain.

  • Stealth BioDefense

    Helping agriculture biodefense startup with technical validation.

    coming soon

  • Geyser Data

    Advising startup to bring more accessible hybrid cloud multi-Petabyte and Exabyte data storage to companies.

  • Caris Life Sciences

    Former CTO & VP Engineering. Helped scale cancer diagnosis for improved outcomes. $1.7bil raised.

  • Hipspec

    Former requirements as a service solo-preneur SAAS project

  • Cylinder (formerly Vivante Health)

    Former VP Technology, VP Analytics & CISO